This postcard remained in my memory ever since I first saw it. We’d put it to one side with lots of other cards to look at again at a later date. The later date has come and it’s now for sale.
This is a photograph of what was left of Boulevard des Ecoles (school boulevard) in the town of Lens in the North of France. I imagine the boy in the picture is standing on what is left of his school. Lens was first bombarded in October 1914 and the town was occupied until 1918. The population of 18,000 was reduced by half. How did those people manage? Where did they go?
The town also suffered a lot of damage during world war II
Its heart breaking to look at - to think of all the death and destruction. But then you see that spark of life as well in those left behind.
May the terrible destruction visited upon your country and so many others through history never be seen again!
It is awful to see things like that. This card witnesses something that happened quite some time ago. And, unfortunately, there will be in many years still cards showing what is happening today.
Yes, I've seen photos of parts of Bristol like that, and I wish all those idiots today that are ok with war could see them!
These are so sad. I always wonder about the children and animals. War is a bad time for all beings. There are never any winners. We have to be grateful that we do not live in a war torn country. This postcard sure makes me think.
Piscean: Children are a symbol of hope...
Alan: Amen
Peter: Mankind doesn't seem to want to learn the important lesson.
Chandira: I'm doing my little bit here. We must never forget.
Titania: I know there were ophanages set up, some by people in the US! Millions of horses were killed in battle and goodness knows how many dogs were used on the battlefield and well as pets which happened to get in the way and farm animals.
I keep coming back to this war, I wonder if i was there.
really nice photo, and a well written post.
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