Saturday, June 14, 2008

So that’s how it was done!

In 1900 this is how childless parents acquired their offspring. Babies cost 20 marks!


Voegtli said...

And on the left side was another similar machine spitting out cigarettes for the father and on the right side on popping out chocolates for the mother :-)

Tawnya Shields said...

Oh my goodness! Sex was such a baaaaad thing back then.

I like what Peter said. Now that is funny! :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm terrified!

Kutu Cat said...

Hahah... did they have buttons to choose male/female babies or was it random luck?

Willow said...

Next thing would be mailorder babies!

Anonymous said...

Seems less fun that way.

Anji said...

Sorry I'm late with the replies

Peter: That would be a good idea...

Titania: Yes, they even made covers for table legs in those days!

Kittie: It does make you wonder, thanks for your visit.

Kutu Cat: I don't think they were so advanced then ;)

Willow: It would be too noisy for the postman.

Yummy: Perhaps!

Unknown said...

are you sure she was collecting and not delivering?

Anyway - women didn't have legs then under their skirts - just a pedestal with wheels (well I thought that when I was little)


Anji said...

Soulmerlin: There were times when I felt like that, I must admit. There is a place in France a hospital or a convent, I'm not sure which, where babies can be left via a flap in the wall. It's very sad, but they are safe.

I know exaclty what you mean, I saw the Georgean State Dance Company when I was a child and one of the ladies cruised round the stage on 'wheels'