In the early 70s I was a student at Evesham College in the UK. At that time there was an annex at Hampton, and also classrooms in a house nearby. It’s hard to believe now if you look at the college today. On the days that we were at Hampton we sometimes needed to go into town at lunch times, rather than walk down the road and over the bridge, which took ages,we would take the ferry to cross the river. You had to ring a bell and a man would come out and for a penny would pull the ferry across. It was an amazing form of transport even then. I wonder if the ferry is still there?
A couple of weeks ago, Rob was looking at cards for sale and called me over to see this card, he asked me if I’d ever heard of the ferry. It was lovely to remember those college days again.
I wasn't aware that my dream-house actually exists on a postcard!
Going down that river in a boat for two... Lovely.
astrid: it is lovely ,isn't it? It was the same when I knew it. I wonder what it's like today?
Willow; The River Avon is a lovely river to travel on.
Times change my friend.
Leon; thanks for visiting. Spoken with the wisdom of a twenty year old!
Hi Anji,
Thanks for all the visits and comments...I am being inundated right now with visits from acolytes of someone called Dr John...it's a bit creepy!
In't it great though to be saying these unbelievable things about the past that once seemed totally normal..actually I'm not sure it IS great!
Neutron; Thanks for your comment too. Sorry you're having problems with the Dr!
Would people have time today to ring the bell, wait for the ferryman and be pulled slowly across the river? It used to be our treat.
During the 1950's I was a Ferry boy at Hampton Ferry, Ernest Huxley and his wife were the owners. It was passed down to Diana (Their daughter) and son-in-law Sam Raphael. I used to sleep in the bedroom with an upper window to the right of the house. There used to be an old tramp (Hobo) who worked there and he used to wear his 1st world war medals, and tell me stories of the trenches in France. I have a picture taken in the early 80's of a Reunion of the ferry boys over many years. I now live in Michigan USA but often recall the quiet times of Hampton Ferry.
Tony; A comment like yours is worth it's weight in gold! Since we've been collecting vintage postcards we've learnt all sorts of history that no one will ever find in the history books. Thank you.
I went to see your blog but couldn't find any entries. Hope you start blogging soon, good luck.
Some one will have to tell me what all this blogging is about, I am afraid I came onto it by accident. Its a bit beyond my scope I am afraid.
Tony; I don't think you'll find it's too difficult. You've already created a blog. To make a post:
1. Log in to Blogger
2. Scroll down to 'help' and click on 'help center'
3. Scroll down to 'blogger basics' and choose 'posting and editing'
4. Look down the list and find 'How do I post to my blog?' and click on that. it explains how to post you first message to the world!!
I hope you come back and find these instructions. let me know when you've written something.
I think the thing is not to be afraid to click on things and explore. Some things will seem complicated at first. Some of the stuff is more advanced and you learn as you go along. If I can do it, you can!!
I think if you click on Http://Atroobritt.blogspot.com/ you might get my page. Tony.
I saw your page and that you used to live in France. Where did you live? I'm in La Rochelle!
I Lived North, South, and West of you. Started off in Challans in the Vendee. Then Saint-Medard-en-Jalles, Aquitaine. Then Vias near Beziers. After that we moved to Javea on the Costa Blanca, and finally to L'estartit on the Costa Brava, from there we moved to Michigan to be with the grandchildren. I loved France especially around the Medoc. Still drink quite a bit of Red wine. Loved going into Bordeaux, and having a glass of vin down Rue-Sainte-Catherine. If it wasn't for my family I would be back in France. I tried to put a photo on my blog but didn't quite make it. When I have a bit more time to follow the instructions I will try again.
Sorry that should have been East of you!!!
Tony;Hope you haven't given up. It's true you need to take your time.
I remember Rue Sainte Catherine, only I had tonic water! Bordeaux was strange, all those English shops!!
Didn't Aquitaine belong to the English in some century or another?
Are you English or French?
Aquitaine did belong to England. I'm English. My husband works in the towers at La Rochelle, the English are returning.....
The ferry house was flooded in 2007 and has now been completed re-stored. It really hasn't changed very much since this postcard.
Anon: Thank you for continuing the story. I'm pleased that the ferry house was restored. My sister lives near to Evesham and helped with some of the clearng up - on the otherside of the river bank!
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