Friday, April 06, 2007


This is a card which was sent in March 1904 and is a typical Easter card of the time. Cards at the very beginning of the 20th century had just the place for an address on the back. A message of any sort on that side was forbidden. Lots of older cards have space on the front to include a message.


Voegtli said...

Hello. Thanks for your comment. And thanks for the nice Easter card on your blog. And a small question: I see on your blog list besides my name "Updated". Do you do this manually or is it an automatic feature? If so, how can I get it? Have a very nice Easter holiday. Peter

Anji said...

Worldman: I've left a comment on your site explaining about Blogrolling. Happy Easter to you too!

Willow said...

Why were the comments forbidden?

Anji said...

Willow: When? Why? What? How?

Do you mean that you feel excluded because I answered Worldman's question on his site?

Willow said...

Nonono, but you said that messages (my mistake calling them comments)on the Easter postcards were forbidden. Just wanted to know why :-)

Anji said...

Willow: It was just a post office rule and I think it was the same in several countries. You could write on the front. Imagine trying to apply a rule like that today!