Monday, September 04, 2006


Rob bought up a load of cards at an auction. When I was sorting them into some sort of order I started to notice that the handwriting was the same on the back of some of them. It seems that some photographers would take photos and turn them into postcards. That’s how I came across Henri. I would say that he was a reluctant subject and couldn’t wait to get away from the scrutiny of the camera. There is a photo of him with has comrades too, so I presume they all got photographed on that day. I get the impression that, although he fought in the first world war, Henri was a career soldier and was serving well before. He wrote home regularly even though he was a man of deeds rather than words. His family must have been so grateful for that at the time.


Mary Lou said...

OH I like this one!! It looks so antique!!

Anonymous said...

I love your new blog Anji - what a brilliant idea. You know, you should scan some of the postcards before Rob sells them and make scrapbooks of them. It will sort of preserve their history.

Anji said...

mary Lou; I'm pleased you like it.

Michelle; Rob does scan a few too. They would make intersting scrap books and there is plenty of scope for different themes.

Anji said...

ashraf: Thanks, I've put you onto my blogroll